A fairytale story through a website view – Targul cu Himere

We are overcome by dreams, stars, and stories. “Targul cu Himere” has in its epicenter three dreamers, who have managed to gather around them beautiful people, dedicated to bringing to life the wishes of all children, with princesses, fairies, and superheroes.

Client Needs

The client needed a website that will bring them closer to the clients. They wanted an online presence to be in contact with clients, and present their story characters and pricing plans.


We offered a presentation website build over WordPress engine, with a custom theme. The graphic interface was designed in collaboration with the client, in order to fulfill their needs and to be aligned with the fairy tale picture.

Tech Stack

  • WordPress
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Javascript

Client’s benefits

  • Simple Website
  • Online Presence
  • Price Listing
  • Always in contact with customers