Your use of this site is subject to compliance with the general terms and conditions detailed below. If you choose to visit the site and access the services presented through the site, you assume full knowledge and acceptance of these Terms and Conditions.​​

1. Site owner

The site is owned by Cmevo Digital SRL, with a registered office in the village of Bucharest, Sector 3, Drumul Gura Caliței str., No. 4-32, Bl. 7, Sc. A, Et. 1, Apt. 20, registered at the Office of the Trade Registry next to the Bucharest Court under no. J40/11047/2020, having CUI 43006856, telephone +40727900500 (*normal rate line), email:

To facilitate the transmission of information, we will aim to use the term “Company” to refer to Cmevo Digital SRL, respectively the terms “” or “site” to refer to the website.‍

2. About the site is a website presenting the online services that the Company can provide for you. By using the site, you can contact us and tell us the website(s) you own, in order to determine the services we can provide for you. The evaluation is free.

At the same time, in addition to information related to the work team, the career, and the completed projects, the website provides you with more information related to recruitment, including the possibility to communicate your data online in order to contact us for possible employment.

Please also study the “GDPR Policy” presented on the website before communicating any contact data to us.​​

3. Site Terms of Use

The website can only be used for viewing and contacting the Company in order to request offers or to initiate partnership or work relations with the Company.

The Company cannot guarantee uninterrupted and uninterrupted use of the Site. Errors, defects, viruses, or other harmful behavior may occur on the Site or on the servers on which it is hosted, making it unavailable. We will take all measures to limit and eliminate such unpleasant events as soon as possible.

You have no right to interfere with the operation of our website or to take any intervention measures on our computer equipment, for any reason and regardless of the result obtained.

We reserve the right to terminate or restrict any person’s access to the site at any time, without prior notice and without liability, if we find non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions or the ineffectiveness of the relations between the parties through the site.

We reserve the right to terminate the site without prior notice to users.‍

4. Limitation of liability

The Company has the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time without prior notice.

The Company is not responsible for any damage to your computer or for viruses that may infect your computer or other equipment as a result of accessing, using, or browsing the site or your downloading of any content, information, materials, data, text, images, video or audio from the site.

This disclaimer applies to any damages or injury caused by any non-performance, error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, communication line failure, theft or destruction of, or unauthorized access to, modification, or use of the registration, whether for breach of contract, tortious conduct, negligence, or under any cause of action.‍

5. Complaints Resolution Procedure

Any dissatisfaction related to access, use, the time in which you received a response to requests of an administrative nature will be communicated directly to us by email at the address:

Your complaint will be registered and you will receive a written response to the email address mentioned when you brought the complaint to our attention.

You have the obligation not to make these grievances public (on social networks, the media, discussions at private parties or in any other way) subject to bearing the damages caused for the image damage brought to the Company by these actions.

Any such complaint can be addressed within a maximum period of one month from the date of its production.

6. Intellectual and industrial property

The content of this website, including but not limited to the logo, stylized representations, symbols, images, photos, text content, information, structure, materials contained on the site, know-how, content, structure, program administration and the like, are the property exclusive of the Company. It is prohibited to copy, distribute, publish, modify, supplement, use, display, include, link, transmit, remove insignia, photos, images, pieces of text, display, sell, etc., the content, data, information, photos or other information found on the site, without the express permission granted in writing by the Company.

The user does not acquire, by using and accessing the site, any right or any license to use any of the information on the site. The user has no right to use an automatic or manual device to monitor the materials available on the site.

The Company also owns the ownership (including, without limitation, copyright and other intellectual property rights) of the concept, name, content of the projects, texts, photographs, recordings, videos and all rights to use and disclose the ideas, concepts, know-how, methods, techniques, processes and their adaptations during the course of its activity.‍

7. Advertising

By accessing the site, you have the opportunity to express your agreement regarding the receipt of Newsletters.

The newsletter is a means of periodic, exclusively electronic (e-mail, SMS) information on Goods, Services, Promotions, etc. to the Company within a certain period, without any commitment on the part of the Company with reference to the information contained therein.

You can withdraw this agreement at any time, without any obligation, by simply contacting our representative at: or by accessing the Unsubscribe button at the bottom of each Newsletter received.

The Site may contain links or other types of content (advertisements on its own behalf or paid advertisements on behalf of third parties) related to websites, products or services offered by third parties. The Company assumes no responsibility for the content of these links.

8. Applicable law

The relationship between the User and the Company will be governed and interpreted in accordance with Romanian law. Any misunderstanding between the Company and the User in relation to the relations arising from the establishment of the relations on the site, is to be resolved amicably, and in case of failure, to be submitted to the materially competent courts in Cluj.

9. Processing of personal data

For details regarding the processing of personal data, the identity of the operator, and the like, see the “GDPR Policy” section of our website.

10. Final provisions

This site is owned by Societatea Cmevo Digital SRL, which offers you the right to access and use the site subject to your acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. By accessing and using the site you automatically and unequivocally agree to be bound by the Terms and Conditions on the site.

The Company has the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time, without notice to this effect, by posting the updated version on the website, and you have the obligation to read the updated Terms and Conditions. You have the obligation to strictly comply with the Terms and Conditions on the website and you cannot claim or defend yourself with ignorance of the Terms and Conditions on the website, valid on the date of accessing and/or using it.

The company reserves the right to modify the structure and interface of any page or sub-page of the site at any time and at any free time interval chosen, having the right to temporarily, partially or totally interrupt the services on the site without any prior notification.

The present Terms and Conditions are supplemented with special aspects/provisions contained in the description of the products available on the site. In the event of contradictions between these Terms and Conditions and the special provisions mentioned above, the special provisions take precedence.